It all started earlier this year, around febuary.My friend and i were bored and high, so we decided to visit a brothel. Both of us have had sex before, but we have never slept with olosho(prostitute) before, The first time experience was awesome, i mean with the prostitutes.I did not see it as a big deal, afterall, its better than mastur.bating
But as this year went by, we became regular customers at the place(i mean the brothel). At first , we would go there twice a week, then we graduated to going three times, four times a week.
Then my friend graduated into going there everyday, sometimes he will have sex with close to three prostitutes the same day, me too , i go there every two days or sometimes, everyday too
Now my friend(kazeem) is now addicted to it ! Eventhough we both have girlfriends,
He now goes there everyday, i mean every single day, even on sundays too..
He has even done it to the extent that he now has sex with some of them for free, that is to show the extent of his patronage there, all he does is buy some stuff for the girl(olosho). Now, im not comfortable with this idea at all.!
He was even telling me that he does not need a girlfriend again, that why ask his girl for sex, when he can enter ‘area’ (thats what we call the brothel) and have sex for a token
I am getting worried, i now have sex with prostitutes every two days, Kazeem’s case is worst, he goes there everyday, most times,he has sex with 2 or 3 prostitutes
in short , we are both getting addicted, Kazeem is even addicted already
I feel like we are both too young to get into this
Nairalanders, i need your advice,
how do i get out of this mess, i mean cure this addiction, how do i help my friend too?
P.s, we are both 18 years old
urgent answers please!